When furnishing your home, it’s important to look at what materials those couches, tables, and chairs are made out of. Here is some food for thought for those for those eco-friendly interior decorators.
The website Vivavi offers modern green furniture and furnishings. I spent a long time looking at this website, and one of my favorite parts is that next to every product they tell you “What Makes it Green.” For example, they mention features such as FSC Certified wood, non-toxic finish, no-VOC paint, and/or wind & solar powered production facility.
One company that produces eco-friendly furniture is Brave Space Design. Again, they go into incredibly technical detail when describing why each piece is eco-friendly and what went into the design.
Another idea is to look for products made of reclaimed wood like this one from Uncommon Goods. The wood is essentially taken from a building, deck, or something else and is given a second life by making it into furniture.
If you’re more daring, try out these amazing furnishings made out of—incredibly—recycled cardboard. These innovative designs made by Lazerian Studio, pictured above, are “intricate sculptural forms that are structurally stable enough to be used as furnishings.” Also, the repeated forms used throughout the designs cut down on waste during the construction.
Whatever your design aesthetic, your should definitely look into eco-friendly furniture when furnishing your place. You’ll be saving the environment, and each piece will have a unique story!
And on the more day-to-day scale, Ikea is better than most low-cost mass producers. Of course, by the time we drive to Atlanta or Charlotte to find products shipped globally, we've reduced some of that advantage. But if you're in town anyway...